Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Meeting notes


Today Tom and I went to Cambridge again with the aim to finish off our filming but as we are constantly having problems with our actors not being able to attend our filming sessions, we were only able to film a small part of what we hoped. However our editing is going well, and the first half is almost complete as we have been putting a lot of effort into trying to get the best possible grade we can achieve in a shorter space of time than everyone else.
We hope to film the rest very soon, so we can get our film perfect by our own deadline. Hopefully our actors will be able to help us on our next scheduled shoot!

To Upload
Video blog of our progress
Everything stated on 7th January

These are photos of Tom setting up the camera. We have more which need to be uploaded of myself using the camera and some shots of the actors. 


We filmed in and around Trinity Street in Cambridge, where small roads and paths led off to more picturesque and convenient locations. From our target audience's needs, we found locations which we thought would suit them and those of which they would be happy with. To find this, I used google maps which is an easy way to show the number of locations where we filmed.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Original vixens video

This is the video which we are using the four box shot from 1.01 to 1.04. We have recreated our own using final cut pro and is an element which we can use in our own music video.

Friday, 7 January 2011


Tom and I filmed in the Christmas holidays and completed some very successful filming. Unfortunately due to the snow we couldn't reach our location earlier in the holidays, and our original actors could not help  us on the day on which we filmed.
However, using the actor available to us, we discussed the mise-en-scene appropriate for our theme which showed him in a dark hooded jumper and jeans, and he wore his hood up to show his depression and how upset he is. His eyes are always looking down and he is never looking at the camera.
We need to film the girl part of the video then we can get on editing the whole music video.

To Upload:
Photos of the day
Annotated lyrics